Polla's family

Gianbattista Polla, known as Battista, founder of the Agricultural Company that today bears the name of his son Mauro, has created one of the largest and most solid agricultural enterprises in Val Rendena.
And today, the company is run under his leadership by his son Mauro, along with his wife Rosa and their four children: Martino, who takes care of the cowshed and in summer runs the alpine pasture in Val Daone; Dario, who takes care of the production of cured meats and meat processing; Elena, who helps her mother in running the restaurant and bar; and lastly Luca,
who has recently embarked on agricultural studies in San Michele all'Adige.
In short, a great family that with professionalism and devotion to work, embodies the positivity of teamwork.

The Cowshed

The Cowshed is the heart of all the Company's activities.
The cows, all of the Rendena breed, are reared in the meadows surrounding the Farm and, from June to September, are taken to the alpine pasture, above the village of Praso, at an altitude of around 2000 metres, where the pastures are always green even in summer and the climate is mild.
The whole family takes care of the cowshed.
The cows are milked twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, and the milk is immediately transported in containers to the dairy, where it will be processed the following morning.
When the cows are on the alpine pasture, the freshly collected milk is partly transported to the Farm dairy and partly processed on site.
Martino does most of the milking and stays on the alpine pasture with the cows in summer.
Dario, Elena and Luca alternate between the cowshed activities, the care of the cattle and the various restaurant and hospitality services of the farm, always supported by the presence and experience of mother Rosa and father Mauro.